Publisher: Editorial La Galera. Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana. 72 pages.
The lives and times of some of the most famous catalans of all times. The biochemist Joan Oró, the primatologist Jordi Sabater, the pilot Mari Pepa Colomer, the artist Joan Miró, the architect Antoni Gaudí, the submarine inventor Narcís Monturiol, the teacher Rosa Sensat, the surgeon and researcher Josep Trueta, the explorer Fèlix Cardona, the writer Mercè Rodoreda, the dancer Carmen Amaya, the singer Victòria dels Àngels, the musician Pau Casals, the actress Margarida Xirgu and the soccer players Ricard Zamora and Josep Samitier.
With design by Mercè Iglesias Majó.
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